Canine Services.

We're on a mission to enrich the lives of dogs everywhere! Here at Lincoln Animal Services, we're not just about pet care – we're about creating unforgettable experiences and fostering lasting friendships for our furry companions.

We believe that every dog deserves the opportunity to thrive, grow in confidence, and make lasting memories. That's why we've curated a range of services aimed at not only meeting their physical needs but also nurturing their social and emotional well-being.

From exciting playgroups where they can socialise with their pals and blow-off steam to personalised care that caters to their individual needs, we're dedicated to providing a safe and stimulating environment where dogs can flourish.

We're not just caregivers; we're partners in your dog's journey, ensuring they're not just part of your life but also cherished members of our extended family. Join us in creating unforgettable moments and enriching the lives of our canine companions, one wagging tail at a time.

All services require a FREE meet & greet booking before the first visit (excluding nail trims & de-matts).

A mileage fee of 50p per mile will apply for locations outside our service radius.



Become a regular and start saving!

Our reward scheme means the more you book with us the more you save! Earn stamps for each walk and save up for a FREEBIE!

Individual Walks -

£12 for 30min

£16 for 60min

Our dog walking service goes beyond the usual stroll around the block. Dogs need variation to keep their minds and body active. Lack of stimulation can lead to boredom and contribute to unwanted behaviours such as hyperactivity, and separation anxiety.

While we're happy to take your dog on their favourite familiar route, we believe they thrive when exploring new environments. Whether on or off the lead, changes in scenery and smells provide essential mental stimulation and keep your dog active, contributing to a long and happy life.

On days too hot for walks or when your dog prefers to stay out of the cold and rain, we engage them with brain-training games like treasure hunts, learning new tricks and clicker training. We aim to enrich your dog’s life by promoting a healthy lifestyle through adventures, fun activities and games.

Your dog will receive their own doggy diary where you can read about their adventures during the day.

*There is an additional charge of £7 per extra dog from the same household.

Home Visits -

£10 for 20 mins

Home visits are perfect for dogs that aren’t as active (such as geriatrics, puppies, or those recovering post-neutering) but still need some TLC during the day. During these visits, your dog will have the opportunity to relieve themselves and receive plenty of fuss and attention. We can also provide lunchtime meals, and treats, and administer any necessary medication.

Holiday Care -

£45 per 24hr period* (inc. overnight stays)

This personalised house-sitting service ensures your furry friend enjoys the comfort and familiarity of their own environment while receiving dedicated care and companionship. From daily walks and playtime to feeding and administering medication, we handle all aspects of your dog’s routine, keeping them happy and stress-free. Receive regular photo updates and enjoy your holiday knowing your dog is in loving, professional hands, getting the same level of care they would from you.

*This base price covers the essentials, including two 30-minute walks per day, adherence to your pet’s usual feeding routine, and basic care. However, adjustments to the price may be made depending on the complexity of your pet's specific needs, such as additional walks, medication administration, or specialised care requirements.

*There is an additional charge of £7 per extra dog (per 24-hour period) from the same household.

Nail Trims & Demats -

£8 for a nail trim

Treat your dog to a mani-pedi and get those paws in top-notch condition. Friendly, force-free methods. (15 mins*)

£15 for a de-mat

The perfect pamper session to spruce up your dog. Consists of a full body groom and removal of mats. (30 mins*)

*An additional charge may occur if more time is required.

… something exciting is coming.



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